Grazeley Parochial CE (Aided) Primary School

'Be courageous; Be strong; Do everything in love'

Governing Board

The current membership, roles and terms of office of the Grazeley Governing Board.


Governing Board Membership, Roles and Terms of Office


NameMembership TypeRole / Subject LinkEmail Start DateEnd Date
Tim BriercliffeFoundation Governor (Spencers Wood PCC)Finance, Premises & ICT (FPI) Governor / Music[email protected]08/02/202208/02/2024
Joanna BroadheadFoundation Governor (Oxford Diocese)Education Performance Governor; Wellbeing & Whistleblowing Governor[email protected]27/10/202026/10/2024
Julia CotteeFoundation Governor (Oxford Diocese)Co-Chair of Governors / MFL; Computing[email protected]19/12/202218/12/2026
Jane CritchlowHeadteacherGovernor[email protected]]01/09/2022Ex Officio
Julie EastonAssociate MemberDeputy Headteacher[email protected]]01/09/2022Ex Officio
Peter LambertLocal Authority GovernorVice Chair of Governors; Development Governor / Maths; PE[email protected]11/06/202010/06/2024
David LittleTeam Rector Loddon ReachSIAMS Governor / RE[email protected]01/06/2016Ex Officio
Alex MarshFoundation Governor (Oxford Diocese)Health and Safety Governor / Geography; History[email protected]03/10/202202/10/2026
Dee NasserParent GovernorSafeguarding Governor 2 / DT[email protected]01/11/202231/10/2026
Clare PayneFoundation Governor (Oxford Diocese)Co-Chair of Governors; Inclusion Governor / English[email protected]19/12/202218/12/2026
VacancyClerkClerk to Governors[email protected]Ex OfficioEx Officio
Michele TealeAssociate MemberSchool Business Manager[email protected]Ex OfficioEx Officio
VacancyStaff Governor    



Membership Type



Start Date

End Date

Jackie Clark

Staff Governor




Darryl Ward

Foundation Governor (Oxford Diocese)

Chair of Governors




Parent Governors are elected by parents when the number of candidates exceeds the available places.  Otherwise they are appointed by the Governing Board upon nomination

The Headteacher’s membership is ex officio, but can be declined by the postholder

LA Governors are nominated by the Local Authority and approved by the Governing Board

Staff Governors are elected by school staff and subcontracted workers for whom the school is their main workplace

Foundation Governors are appointed by Spencers Wood and Grazeley Parochial Church Council (two), and the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education (four)

The Team Rector’s membership is ex officio, but can be reviewed by the Archdeacon of Berkshire