Grazeley Parochial CE (Aided) Primary School

'Be courageous; Be strong; Do everything in love'

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE)

Our children are shown how to treat others with love and respect, and approach difficult decisions with courage, so that they can play a positive and successful role within our society, both as children now, and as adults in the future.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE)

At Grazeley Primary School we put PSHE at the core of our curriculum enabling our children to grow into healthy, confident, independent, and responsible adults. Our children are shown how to treat others with love and respect, and approach difficult decisions with courage, so that they can play a positive and successful role within our society, both as children now, and as adults in the future.

We help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and give them opportunities to explore important moral, social and cultural issues. We enable our children to learn about rights and responsibilities, and provide them with a strong understanding of the diverse world around them.

We support our children to play a positive role in society, enabling them to contribute to both the school and the wider community, actively seeking ways they can make a positive difference. We aim to develop a strong sense of self-worth and resilience in our children, preparing them for the challenges of becoming global citizens in an everchanging world.

What is PSHE Education?

PSHE Education (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) is a planned programme of learning through which children learn the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to successfully manage their lives. giving them resilience and hope for the future.  PSHE Education develops the qualities and attributes children need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society as they learn how to be a member of a loving community.

At Grazeley Parochial Primary School, we use the Coram SCARF PSHE programme to support our teaching. The whole school covers the same theme each half term with each year group learning about different aspects of that theme over a series of six lessons. It also includes on-line workshop a year for each class. In Years 5&6 this covers different aspects of drug and alcohol education, while for Years 1-4 there are different themes chosen to reflect the varying needs of each class each year.

Children in FS are taught PSHE through the Foundation Stage Curriculum and staff use stories and games as well as the suggested teaching activities on the SCARF planning. More detail can be found about this in the Foundation Stage area of our website.

Our long term planning for PSHE can be found below.

SCARF PSHE Long Term Plan

The document below shows what children will have covered in their PSHE curriculum by the end of Year Six.

PSHE areas covered

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

This forms a part of the PSHE curriculum at Grazeley Primary School. The summary document below shows where these elements are taught within the PSHE curriculum.

The SCARF PSHE programme taught at Grazeley Parochial Primary school fully covers the Relationships Education and Health Education requirements, statutory from September 2020. SCARF lessons are carefully planned as part of a spiral curriculum, covering all subjects in an age-appropriate way, with some lessons providing the fundamental building blocks needed for children to achieve the end of primary school outcomes, although they relate indirectly to those outcomes.
The RSE curriculum is taught through the following overarching themes. Details about what is taught when can be found in the year group overviews.

Relationships Education 

Families and people who care for me 

Caring friendships 

Respectful relationships

Online relationships 

Being safe

Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing (Health Education)

Mental wellbeing 

Internet safety and harms 

Physical health and fitness

Healthy eating 

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco 

Health and prevention 

Basic first-aid 

Changing adolescent body