- 0118 9883340
- [email protected]
Welcome to Grazeley
Grazeley Primary School is a small, rural school on the outskirts of Reading and Wokingham. We have dedicated and passionate staff who plan the curriculum to meet the needs and interests of every child. We have high expectations and encourage every child to develop key skills for learning and life, developing a growth mindset which enables children to approach challenges with enthusiasm and encourages them to make mistakes and learn from them.
Our unique Christian family atmosphere promotes the acquisition of Christian values which support children’s moral and spiritual development. We hope you enjoy exploring our website. We strongly encourage visits to our school.

Mrs Jane Critchlow
Our Headteacher
Hello and a very warm welcome to Grazeley Parochial Primary School.
What We Offer!
Our Curriculum
We meet the needs of the individual learners at Grazeley by providing opportunities to be independent, be responsible and to build resilience.

The children develop and build a growth mindset...

Grazeley teaches a synthetic phonics approach...

All pupils will gain core mathematical skills...

Religious Education
Religious Education (RE) is a core subject at Grazeley...

We make clear links between STEM subjects...

Remote Learning
We teach the same curriculum remotely...

Home Learning
Use suggested links to extend your childs learning...

Good Behaviour
Our Christian values support our policy for good behaviour...