Grazeley Parochial CE (Aided) Primary School

'Be courageous; Be strong; Do everything in love'

Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

When should I get a test for Covid?

If your child or a member of your household is showing symptoms of Covid-19: 

  • A temperature 
  • A new, continuous cough 
  • A change or loss of taste or smell 

they are expected to take a COVID test. Initially they need to take a Lateral Flow Device (LFD) test. If this test is positive, then they will need to take a  PCR test. 

If your child has a positive PCR test, they should remain in isolation for ten days and not return to school until a negative test result has been given.  If you are unsure if you should get a test then please call the helpline 0800 046 8687, open 8am – 6pm.

How can I get a test?

LFD test kits can be ordered from 

Go to to book a PCR test, or if you do not have internet connection please phone 119.  

Slots for tests at testing sites are released at 8pm for next morning appointments and then at 10am for the afternoon appointments so these are the best times to get an appointment.  Home testing kits are also available. 

What should I do if any member of my household tests positive for Covid 19? 

If a member of your household tests positive for Covid 19, then the rest of the household must seek a PCR test as soon as possible.  It is the school’s policy that the children may return to school once they have a negative PCR test confirmed but we will ask you to take the child for a second PCR during the household member’s isolation period.  This is of course, in order to protect our school community as much as possible.   All results of PCR tests must be emailed to school.  

How do I protect my family at home if any member of my household tests positive for Covid? 

There is published guidance for the members of the household who have tested positive to keep the household protected: 

Spend as little time as possible in shared spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms and sitting areas. Avoid using shared spaces such as kitchens and other living areas while others are present and take your meals back to your room to eat. Observe strict social distancing. 

Ask the people you live with to help by bringing your meals to your door, helping with cleaning and by giving you space. 

Use a separate bathroom from the rest of the household where possible. If a separate bathroom is not available, try and use the facilities last, before cleaning the bathroom using your usual cleaning products. The bathroom should be cleaned regularly. 

You should use separate towels from other household members, both for drying yourself after bathing or showering and for drying your hands. Keep your room well-ventilated by opening a window to the outside. 

Use a face covering or a surgical mask when spending time in shared areas inside your home to minimise the risk of spread to others. Used correctly, they may help to protect others by reducing the transmission of COVID-19 but they do not replace the need to limit your contact with other household members. 

Further guidance can be found here: 

What if my child has to self-isolate?

We are currently training staff in the use of Google Classroom and we will ensure that children are able to access resources from the the lessons that are happening at school.  We are currently working to provide access to some lessons through video or live streamed lessons and developing a remote education policy whilst ensuring all the safeguarding parameters are in place.

What if my child is showing signs of anxiety?

Please let us know straight away.  We have lots of strategies that we can use to support your child including access to a Family Support Worker who has training in nurture support, bereavement and anxiety. There is also an online course – details below.